Hi there! My name is Robbie Hardy and I’d like to cordially invite you to join me and other female professionals for Empowering Women Together; a once a month gathering geared towards connection, encouragement and empowerment. It’s so important that we as women encourage and support one another, in business goals and in our dreams for the future.

Each gathering will have a panel of women with varying backgrounds and expertise, prepared to tackle a targeted subject. They will share their advice and support on a central theme, as well as some of the hard lessons we have earned. The gathering will then be opened up to interactive discussion.

This program is for ambitious women who want to invest in themselves and others. If you’re looking for a community of strong, successful and confident professional women, come grow with us. Together, we’ll learn how to live and lead to our fullest potential. 

There is no cost for this event but RSVP is required so we can ensure adequate seating.

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March 18th

It’s the loudest voice in the room (that no one but ourselves can hear). It can be brutal so awareness is key. Learn the difference between your inner critic and realistic thinking for a fuller life.


About our Speakers

Our speakers/panelists are strong successful confident women; they are scientists, lawyers, technologists, corporate execs, business leaders, and the list goes on. These women are paying it forward by sharing the secrets to their success and the lessons they earned along the way. Click the RED name above or below the image to connect with our speakers on LinkedIn!

Kathleen Tedford Sue Pendleton Katie Moran Trudy Buckingham Ellen Baker

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A special thank you to March’s Sponsors


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April 15th

When it's time to do something different, you know. Then it's just a matter of what and how. If you’re ready to switch things up and make a bold career move, this inspirational session is for you.

Additional Details

Join us on the 3rd Wednesday of every month from 9:30 am-12pm

Meetings will be held at First Flight Venture Center

2 Davis Dr, Durham, NC 27709